September 2024 – Participation to the Annual Conference of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica

In september we will present more research outputs of the project at the SISP conference.

Società Italiana di Scienza Politica – Annual Conference
Trieste, 12-14 September 2024

  • Cotta, B., Domorenok, E., Graziano, P., & Panov, T., “Varieties of Ecosocial Policies in the EU: The Case of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans”
  • Graziano, P., “The Politics of EU Ecosocial Policies: The Case of the Green Deal”
  • Masi, B., “Towards a Comparative Framework for Analysis of Eco-social Policies and Politics”
  • Natili, M, & Lee, J., “A Climate Crisis Backlash or Rising Distributive Concerns for the Green Transition? Satisfaction with the Welfare State and Public Support for a Carbon Tax”